Contact ME



What to expect when working with me


  1. Initial consultation (60 minutes): Review of health history, health goals, physical, orthopedic and neurological examination. Dr. Jen then review findings with you and discuss treatment options. Treatment may also be provided at the initial consultation.

  2. Follow-up visits (15 minutes): Re-assessment of structural and functional elements, discussion of changes to condition. Treatment may include spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), soft tissue work (IASTM, muscle release therapy), taping and corrective exercise.


Once an appointment time is scheduled, you will be sent three intake documents: a confidential health history questionnaire, a 3-day food journal form and a disclaimer form to be filled out before our initial consultation. 

1. Initial consultation (45-60 minutes): During this visit, Dr. Jen goes over your health history, food journal, discuss your health goals and current nutritional/health habits. This allows for the creation of a nutrition plan (focusing primarily on the balanced consumption of whole and natural foods) and develop individualized lifestyle recommendations to help you meet your goals. 

2. Follow up #1 (30 minutes): Explanation of nutritional plan - discussion of macronutrients, foods and portion sizes. Dr. Jen will also answer any questions you may have and discuss strategies to implement the lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. After the first follow up, Dr. Jen will send you an in-depth online nutritional analysis questionnaire which allows her to assess the function of all systems in the body (digestion, liver, adrenals, hormonal balance, vitamin, mineral and essential fatty acid deficiencies...). She also will analyze recent blood work or may order some if there is a need. This allows her to come up with a therapeutic plan to address imbalances through the use of therapeutic foods and/or supplements. 

3. Follow up #2 (30 minutes): Discussion of supplement/therapeutic food recommendations for specific imbalances, set priorities for working toward health goals. 

Additional follow-ups will focus on assessing progress toward your health goals, nutritional education, reassessment of your nutrition and supplement plan. 

Dr. Jen’s work with you will focus on using a natural, whole-foods based nutritional approach to addressing health issues, focusing on balance and addressing root causes of imbalances that may be present. She works to help you develop effective and sustainable nutritional strategies support long-term health.